About Me

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South West
This is my blog and "My Time". Time for a few moments to myself: Time away from chores and Time to stop the whirring of family logistics that keep my brain permanently occupied. I am Mother of two, wife of one, with a dog to complete the set. I have a full time job and spend every free hour trying to ensure school bags are packed, birthdays remembered and bills paid. My life is chaotic, fun, demanding and fast. I, like most people, need more time.

Monday 30 April 2012

Rain, rain go away

When will it stop?  We have had two days of constant rain recently, on each occasion about an inch in one day. We spent yesterday at a Factory Shop outlet, dodging rain showers and waiting for a dry spell to let the children ride on the Merry-Go-Round.  It was not the best day to go, but we survived.

We were with friends and had a full car - girls were in the back seats (ie in the boot), with the two boys and me in the middle and Husband and other Mummy in the front. The journey was going well until Daughter got car sick, a first, about 5 mins before our destination.  I think there was one bend in the road too many.  That cleared up and our shopping list doubled, as it was not only shoes to get, but also a new outfit for Daughter.

Our first problem was the big cafe was shut, so we would have to find somewhere else to grab some lunch.  However, shoes first, and luckily our two kiddies did not need any.  Next stop, new clothes! Then to lunch, which was quite noisy with four children, and then two other shops and we headed off.

On our way home we stopped at a friends' house.  She is not married (no idea why not) and so her flat is a lovely and calm, cream and tidy.  Then we arrived. Wet soggy coats and shoes left outside. The children were fab, but it was certainly a little chaotic. On the way home we sang songs and kept everyone going, before getting on with the bedtime ritual.

And finally, two tired parents then flaked out in front of the telly.

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